Pecos River WPP Implementation Program

BMP Information

Rangeland Management & Seeding

Salt Cedar Biology & Management

Water Quality Management Plans

What is a Water Quality Management Plan?

wqmp-photo A water quality management plan (WQMP) is a site-specific plan developed through and approved by soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs) for agricultural and silvicultural lands. The plan includes appropriate land treatment practices, production practices, management measures, technologies or combinations thereof. The purpose of a WQMP is to achieve a level of pollution prevention or abatement determined by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB), in consultation with SWCDs, to be consistent with State Water Quality Standards.

Process for Obtaining a WQMP
Contact your local SWCD or Judy Albus, Regional Manager, TSSWCB
Benefits of Participating

By partnering with your local SWCD to implement a WQMP on your agricultural land, you will:

  • Demonstrate that voluntary conservation programs promote agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible goals.
  • Implement the Pecos River Watershed Protection Plan to restore water quality in our watershed.
  • Demonstrate to the State of Texas that you are voluntarily using the best available technology to prevent nonpoint source water pollution and comply with State Water Quality Standards.
  • Have a strategic plan developed for your agricultural operation to help you make decisions on how to best manage your natural resources.
  • Demonstrate to other sectors in the watershed (industry, municipalities, urban residents) that agriculture is doing our part to protect our local water resources.
  • Enhance the value of your operation and achieve watershed-wide environmental goals at the same time.
  • Be eligible for certain forms of cost-share to help defray costs of implementing management practices on your land.
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